Astrology-Yoga : How the astrological wheel and yoga can inspire us to live life in harmony

In the world of yoga, there's a style for most people. If you're someone who's deeply fascinated by astrology and the cosmic energies that govern each horoscope, astrology yoga might be for you. If you’re new to astrology, you may associate it with fortune telling or newspaper horoscopes. But there is more to it than this and it’s not possible to split all of humanity into 12 horoscopes and expect them to be experiencing the same things at the same time. Our star or sun sign is a rough guide to our personality and potential. We also have rising signs that direct us to the path of self discovery and moon signs that indicate our emotional intelligence and how we react to life. 

Yoga is a path of self discovery and it blends beautifully with astrology. By understanding and aligning with cosmic energies, through yoga,we can gain insight into our own lives and make positive changes for personal growth and fulfillment.  Astrology Yoga is a practice that can help us feel in tune with the seasons and our bodies, using each horoscope and the element attached to it. 

The sun spends around four weeks in each of the zodiac signs. They are all connected to an element; fire, earth, air or water. The energy of the elements and the planets associated can guide the way that we move on the mat and we can bring these qualities to our practice. For example Aquarius takes place in late winter, at a time when the days are getting longer and we’re seeing the first signs of life in nature. We may use the element of air to blow off the stagnation of winter through pranayama (yoga breathing exercises)

Each zodiac sign also governs an area/ areas of the body, so we may at times place an anatomical focus on our yoga practice. An example of this may be during Leo season. First of all Leo’s are confident fire signs so we may channel our energy outwards and bring heat into our bodies with a dynamic vinyasa flow. Leo governs the heart so we might look at exploring postures that open the chest and back bends such as wheel (urdhva dhanurasana) or camel (ustrasana)

During Taurus season we may practice grounding, slower paced standing postures after fiery Aries season which is all about sparking change and burning off any lingering stagnant energy from the colder months. 

At my monthly astrology yoga workshops in Glasgow, I also give participants a tip sheet for self care practices that you can take off the mat. For example pisces rules the hands and feet so it might be nice to treat yourself to a manicure or reflexology during this time. 

My Astrology Yoga Workshops run monthly at Meridian Yoga and Pilates studio, situated between Bridgeton and Dennistoun. You can book your spot here


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