Mastering Yoga Basics: Essential Yoga Postures for Beginners

Practicing postures (asana) is the aspect of yoga that most of us are familiar with. Here are four foundational postures that are suitable for beginners.  Read more to find out the benefits of these postures and how to practice them at home. 

Mountain (Tadasna)


Tadasana helps to improve posture, builds confidence and helps you to feel grounded. It is the foundation for all standing postures. 

  1. Stand at the top of your mat with your feet hip distance apart. You want to feel an even distribution of your body on both feet. 

  2. Once you feel your foundation ,gently squeeze your thighs, tuck your bum slightly under. Your legs are straight but you’re not locking your knees back. 

  3. Lift out of your waist as you press the crown of your head towards the ceiling. Lengthen through your spine. 

  4. Drop your shoulders down,as you reach your fingertips towards the floor

Plank (Phalakasana)


Plank helps to build endurance and it strengthens the muscles of your midsection, upper body and lower body. It also helps to enhance balance, improve posture and flexibility. 

  1. From all fours step one leg back at a time.

  2. Spread your fingers wide apart, with your middle fingers pointing forward. 

  3. Press the mat away with your hands

  4. Press the crown of your head forwards, hug your ribs to the midline and lengthen your tailbone towards your heels

  5. Tip - you can work with your knees on the floor

Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


Downward Dog strengthens your wrists, arms and shoulders whilst stretching your wrists and hamstrings and back. It also improves posture and lengthens your spine, meaning that it is really beneficial if you spend long periods of time sitting at a desk or driving a car. 

  1. From your hands and knees, walk your hands forwards,  tuck your toes and, press your hands into your mat and lift your hips towards the ceiling 

  2. Spread your fingers wide apart, drawing your thumbs towards each other and middle fingers facing forward

  3. Using straight, but not locked arms, lift your hips up and back, feet are hip distance apart

  4. Reach your chest towards your thighs, it may be helpful to have a bend in your knees to keep your back flat

  5. Tip - the goal is not to have your heels on the floor

  6. Let your head hang freely or gently take your gaze to your belly button



Cobra helps to reduce stiffness in your lower back, tones your glutes, conditions spinal muscles and strengthens your arms and shoulders. It also stretches the muscles in your abdomen, shoulders and chest.

  1. Lie on your tummy with your forehead on the floor

  2. With a bend in your elbows, bring your hands to either side of your chest, fingertips lining up with your chest

  3.  Press all 10 toenails and the tops of your feet into your mat, keep the pubic bone on the mat

  4. Keeping your elbows close to your body, inhale and lift your chest up, keeping your pubic bone pressing into the floor 

  5. Press down into your palms, using your arms to lift you a little higher, drop your shoulders down and press your chest forwards

  6. Keep your glutes and legs strong, keep pressing your pubic bone into the floor

  7. To release, exhale and slowly lower your chest and head to the floor. Turn your head to one side and rock your hips to release your lower back.

My beginners yoga classes currently run on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm, at The Wellbeing Hub in Bridgeton. My Gentle Yoga and Yin Yoga classes are also beginner friendly.


Vinyasa Flow Yoga - A Beginners Guide to getting started


Yoga for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started