My Yoga Journey - By Ann Mairie

Ann Mairie has been a regular at my Wednesday morning yoga class for the past 3 months. Find out more about Ann Mairie’s yoga journey and what keeps her coming to class in the first of my series of blog interviews.

  1. How long have you been practicing yoga for?

    I practiced yoga for many years and then stopped for around a year.

  2. What class do you attend and why did you seek yoga out?

    I attend your Gentle Yoga Class at The Loft, in Cambuslang, seeking the class out because I felt like I had lost a lot of flexibility and wanted to feel strong and supple again. I was keen to restart yoga, but felt like a beginner again and wanted to re build my confidence in a slower paced class. I also wanted to find an activity that helps me to relax and get me over hump day.

  3. Why do you choose my class?

    The timing is convenient for me because it falls on my day off. It’s a lovely start to my day and yoga helps me reset for the rest of the week. I choose your class because it’s local to me and within walking distance. It’s also handy for the train station if I have things to do afterwards. The yoga studio at the loft is a haven and you are a fantastic yoga teacher.

  4. Tell us a bit about the benefits yoga brings to you, both on and off the mat.

    Yoga is time for me. I enjoy the stretching, calmness and just listening to my body. There is a lovely calm and positive vibe in class and I am really enjoying it. I feel calmer off the mat and my confidence has grown so much so, that I am planning to try your Vinyasa Flow class on a Tuesday night.


Bilyana’s Yoga Journey


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