Shamanic Healing - Restoring Balance & Harmony

In this blog, we explore the concept of shamanic healing and how it differs from conventional medicine. Discover the ways in which shamanic practitioners remove spiritual blockages and help to restore balance and harmony in the lives of those they serve. 

Conventional medicine may place an emphasis on physical symptoms in the body. In the ancient practice of shamanism, a holistic approach is taken, with acknowledgement to the connection between body, mind, spirit and nature. 

Shamanic healing isn’t magic. It’s a powerful, transformational tool that helps us to release emotional trauma, blockages, self limiting beliefs and baggage that prevents us from being the best version of ourselves.

Of course, I’m not suggesting shamanic healing is a replacement for conventional medicine. However, in this blog, we’ll explore the shamanic perspective on health and well being and how it supports people to feel balanced. It is also hugely complementary to other modalities such as conventional medicine, yoga, massage and traditional chinese medicine.

When we have a root energetic or spiritual problem that needs healing, it may show up as disease, either physically or mentally. A shamanic practitioner works to restore balance and address the root of the problem through a range of techniques. Healing happens for the client when something within them shifts or transforms to a better place. This can be physically, emotionally or spiritually. I like to think of healing as a jigsaw, where different pieces of the puzzle come together to help a person feel a sense of wholeness. 

As I am led by my client's intention, information channeled will be in relation to this. Misplaced energy, spiritual and energetic blockages in the persons’ energy body may be manifesting as emotional, physical or relational problems. I journey to an altered state using my drum and scan the person’s aura as I channel the energy of my guides. The blockage or misplaced energy will present in a way that is obvious to me. From there I extract it and transmute it to positive energy, before earthing it or sending it to the light. This can result in clients feeling a sense of peace and calm. 

Once this shift happens, it can be really beautiful to carry out soul retrieval. This is beneficial for anyone who feels like a part of themselves is missing or there is a sense of loss, depression or anxiety. Soul retrieval can create a sense of wholeness, balance and harmony as we reconnect with parts of ourselves that have fragmented due to emotional distress or trauma.

These are just some examples of shamanic healing techniques that can remove spiritual blockages and restore balance and harmony. You can read more about shamanism here. I currently offer shamanic healing at The Wellbeing Hub in the east end of Glasgow, on Monday evenings from 4.00pm.


Modern Uses of Shamanism - A Path to Spiritual Growth


The Shamanic Journey - Connecting with Spirit