The Shamanic Journey - Connecting with Spirit

Shamanism is known for its distinctive practice of journeying. In this blog we take a deep dive into journeying, exploring what it is,  and how accessing alternate realities can be beneficial for healing.

I first became interested in Shamanism in 2014, after a traumatic experience. My friend recommended a practitioner, an old colleague of hers who was running yoga and shamanic healing retreats in Tenerife. 

 I planned a weeks’ retreat, with an open mind and heart, ready to receive healing. Finding Shamanism has been life changing and I’ve manifested so much through it. The shamanic path can be a difficult one to walk as we explore aspects of ourselves and make shifts in our lives that aren’t always comfortable, especially as we go deeper and embark on practitioner training. 

It was during this time in 2014 that I was introduced to shamanic journeying. But what is it? The practitioner creates an altered state of consciousness through the use of rattling or drumming. As a shamanic practitioner, I use a drum. Shamanic drumming creates a theta state, where you are somewhere between being conscious and asleep. It is during this lucid state that I go into trance and can travel to other realms to receive insights and information for the purpose of healing. This is always done with a spirit guide for safety and protection. The experience of journeying is a bit like dreaming or going through a visualisation. 

When I journey during a shamanic healing session, I am led by my client's intention, meaning only information that is relevant will be received. A spirit guide or a power animal will come forward.  These energies lend qualities that are relevant to the situation or intention.  For example a bird of prey gives us the gift of looking at a situation with a bird's eye view, or a lion brings courage and strength during challenging times.

I also journey for my own personal insight and travelling to these inner landscapes offer counsel on day to day situations and bigger life events. Shamanic journeying can help us increase self awareness and feel a deeper sense of connection to ourselves, others and the environment around us.

This is something I can support you with during a shamanic healing session or, if you are interested in learning more about journeying at home, I host monthly shamanic circles at the Wellbeing Hub in the east end of Glasgow.


Shamanic Healing - Restoring Balance & Harmony


What Is Shamanism?