Yoga Brings Mindful Breathing to Daily Life - Christine’s Blog

How long have you been practicing yoga for?

I discovered yoga whilst studying for exams at university  - my first yoga class was at a YMCA in Paisley many years ago, well before the realm of Instagram!

What class do you attend and why did you seek it out?

I found Michelle’s class after a long break from yoga. I was looking for a safe space to rediscover my practice again. I trusted Michelle to help get me back on track after many years of  distraction 

Why did you decide to choose my class?

I knew Michelle was reputable and experienced yoga teacher. She is renowned in the South side of Glasgow where I currently live. I discovered she had moved her classes to the East End, which is still handy for me. To be honest I was really lucky to find her teaching again at a studio which is reasonably priced for me.  I commenced Michelle’s beginners yoga class in early January. She helped me transition from a huge winter funk ,to quick progress to a time of flow and movement, and I’m really grateful for that. It helped me transition to spring and summer quickly by Spring I was on my bike pedalling to vinyasa flow classes which was absolutely what my body and mind needed – my family can vouch for that!

Tell me a bit about the benefits yoga brings to you, both on and off your mat.

From Michelle I’ve learned about bringing mindful breathing to my daily life, Michelle breaks down the movements to help you apply them moves outwith the class, I feel the progression each week. I’m so proud of my strength in my practice between January and August this year.

Share an interesting or fun fact about yourself

I invented the Beet Wellington-which I fully stand by as the superior Sunday roast dinner!


Louise chats about how beginners yoga has helped form good habits